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"How to" Mark an invoice as paid

Please follow the below instructions to mark an invoice as paid;

  1. Go to “Accounts”
  2. Select “Invoices”
  3. Select the “Open” tab
  4. Enter your client name into “Client” field and select the name from the drop down list

Once you have the list of available invoice to pay is displayed

  1. Using the tickbox, select the invoice(s) requiring payment
    • You can see the “Selected Outstanding” at this point when you choose the invoice(s) that you want to place payment against
  1. Select “Mark as paid”

  1. Using the black drop box select the correct payment type. This is very important to ensure that your records are the correct type of transaction e.g If cash is used select “Cash”, if mastercard select “Mastercard” etc
  2. Enter “Remittance reference #” if required
  3. Tick “Email client” if you would like a copy of the payment emailed to you customer 
  4. Change the value of the invoice being paid if the figure is different otherwise leave as is e.g the invoice is for $276.50 but you only received $200.00
  5. Select “Submit” to make the payment