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“How to” Enable a specific client to receive their invoices automatically

To ensure that your customer receives their invoices automatically at a certain time and on a certain day, please follow the below instructions.

If you have “Global settings” for invoices, updating the client using this process will override the global setting.

  1. Select “Client”
  2. Select “Clients”
  3. Search for your client by;
    • Searching in the “Search  bar” or
    • Scrolling down to find your client
  1. Select the client that you want to make the change to by pressing on the client name.

Once you have selected the client you want to update.

  1. Scroll down to “Invoice settings”
  2. Tick the box for “Override Global invoice settings”

After you have selected “Override Global invoice settings”

  1. Tick “Enable auto sending invoice emails”
  2. Using the dropdown box select the days you would like invoices to be sent out
  3. Enter in the time you would like these invoices sent
  4. Tick “Only send the invoice of the selected day” - This will send open invoice for that customer on the specified day.
  5. Select “Update”

You must select “update” once you have filled the fields with the information. If you do not select “update” no changes will be saved to your client card.