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"How to" Email an individual statement

To provide your customer with a current statement please follow the below instruction.

  1. Go to “Accounts”
  2. Select “Statement”
  3. Select the dates “Date from” & “Date to”
  4. Type in the “Client name” or using the tick box select the client manually
  5. Select “Print PDF” to view statements or select “Email” to send the email directly to the client from your platform.

Once you press “Email” the following screen will appear;

  1. Press “Submit” to send the statement to the client

To send statements to customer select all customers and follow the same process

To override the email

  1. Follow the above process
  2. After selecting “Email”
  3. Tick box the “Override receivers”
  4. Enter in the “Email” address you want to send to

Note - Suggest you only override the email address when sending single statements as it will override all statements.