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"How to" Create access roles for staff

The purpose of access roles is to manage permissions within the system. They define what actions the user can perform and what resources they can access. They are crucial to ensure security, efficiency, and compliance by providing a structured approach to managing permissions.

To set up your access roles please follow the below steps;

To set up your access roles please follow the below steps;

  1. Select “Staff & Roles”
  2. Select “Access roles”
  3. Select “Add a role”

You will be requested to name this role

  • Suggestions include Driver, Administration, Packer, Accounts etc

Note - You can edit the name if required at a later date.

Once you have named the role select “Create”

Once you have selected “Create” you need to go through and edit each category to give that access role its permissions.

You need to tick the relevant box in the category to give the access you want that role to have. Once you have selected all they require press “Update”. If you do not select “Update” the selected boxes will not save.

Once you have created your “Access role” you need to go and assign it to the “Staff member”

  1. Go to “Staff & roles”
  2. Select “Staff”
  3. Select the staff member you want to assign the access role to
  4. Press the dropdown “Access role” box
  5. Select the “access role”

Select “Update”

Please note: You can change these permissions at any time if you are an “Admin” role.