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"How to" Create a new product category

In Zupply, product categories help organize items, making it easier for users to find and filter products. They also enable targeted marketing and improve inventory management by tracking performance and demand.

Follow the below instructions to create a new product category;

  1. Go to “Products”
  2. Select “Categories”
  3. Select “New Category”

  1. Enter the “Name of category”
  2. If no markup for category is required place a “0”
  3. Select “Colour” if applicable
  4. Select “Origin” if applicable
  5. Enter in “Attribute Name” if applicable
  6. Enter in “Attribute Value” if applicable
  7. Select “Create”

Your “New category will be visible in the list of available categories

You can also;

  • Move the “Category” place in the list by holding down on the 3 lines and move up and down the list
  • Add a “Sub-Category by selecting the name of the category then select “Add sub-category
  • Edit the “Category you created by selecting “Edit”